Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'alimentation Et L'agriculture

  • Les conflits humains-faune en afrique. causes, consequences & strategies de gestion (etudes fao fore

    Lamarque F.

  • Comment relever les defis auxquels sont confrontes l'approvisionnement en intrants de la mecanisatio

    Sims Brian G.

  • Strengthening capacity for climate change adaptation in agriculture: experience & lessons from lesot

    Dejene A.

  • The state of agricultural commodity markets 2009. high food prices & the food crisis - experiences &

  • La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2010-11. le role des femmes dans l'agric

  • Seeds in emergencies. a technical handbook (fao plant production and protection papers n. 202)

  • Promoting the growths and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops. best

    Neate P. J. H.

  • The state of food and agriculture 2008. biofuels : prospects, risks and opportunities

  • Promoting the growth and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops. case s

  • Green manure/cover crops and crop rotation in conservation agriculture on small farms (integrated cr

    Florentin M. A.

  • Grassland carbon sequestration : management, policy and economics. proceedings of the workshop on th

    Abberton M.

  • The state of food and agriculture 2010-11. the women in agriculture - closing the gender gap for dev

  • Reforming forest tenure. issues, principles and process (fao forestry papers n. 165)

  • Guide to good practice in contract labour in forestry

  • La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2008. les biocarburants : perspectives,

  • Investments in agricultural mechanization in africa. conclusions & recommendations of a round table

    Ashburner J. E.

  • Oecd-fao agricultural outlook 2011-2020

  • Perspectives agricoles de l'ocde et de la fao 2011-2020

  • Rural transport and traction enterprises for improved livelihoods (fao diversification booklet n. 10

    Crossley P.

  • Opportunities to mainstream land consolidation in rural development programmes of the european union

  • Forest and energy. key issues (fao forestry paper n. 154)

  • Land reform 2009/1. land settlement and cooperatives (trilingual en/fr/es)

  • On-farm post harvest management of food grains. a manual for extension workers with special referenc

    Lamarque F.
